Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fingerprints and Fridge Magnets

From my current vantage point of sitting on our new used couch, I gaze out at a sea of primary colored plastic trinkets, thingies, and gadgets. I remember the not-so-long-ago days when Greg and I prided ourselves in our commitment to contemporary design: clean lines, organic colors and decor, and intentional minimalism. Now, perched on this used sofa complete with sunken in cushions telling the tale of families past I wonder how I can sit so calmly observing it all: the clutter, the annoying jingles that randomly seep out of a toy whose batteries we swore were dead, the fingerprints that don't get wiped away because . . . well, what's the point? And the FRIDGE MAGNETS. We vowed long ago that we would never be the fridge magnet type. Fridges were for food and picture frames were for pictures. These things were not to be confused. And yet, the arrival of Gracie has unlocked a place in ourselves that we did not know existed: the place where fridge magnets hold up little pieces of our hearts to smile back at us and where fingerprints on appliances and windows remind us how many changes and discoveries are being made each day. So here's to fingerprints and fridge magnets and most of all, family.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Watch out World!

I don't know if we are ready for this, but our almost eight month old has been standing for a while and in the past week or so has taken to cruising around the furniture. Ahhh! She is far too young and far too short to start walking, yet Gracie doesn't seem to care. She has been ready to race around since she was born, so off she goes. Today I looked up, and she was climbing the stairs. Time to start the mommy chase!