Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sick with the Seahawks

Ben and Libbey came over to visit a few months ago when Gracie was in the midst of her month-long cold. It was so good to catch up with Libbey (whom I've been friends with for over 25 years) and watch our kids as friends now. Ben is just two weeks older than Gracie!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fall at "Ma" and "Buck's"

Time seems to be speeding up. How can it be fall already? Gracie is more of a toddler than a baby these days, and we can't keep up with how fast she's growing up! At just 15 months old we have lost count of how many words she says (she points and names everything she sees), and gone are the days of the drunken sailor. She runs, dances, and climbs for the most part. She finally sleeps through the night (until about 9 in the morning!) and even naps in the day with little to no fuss. If we tell her it's time for "ni-night," she grabs her blanket, races to the stairs, and climbs up- eager for story time. Wow, we've come a long way! The intensity she had as a baby, however, remains. Tantrums complete with hitting herself in the head have replaced the colic, and she loves to boss and shout "NO!" especially at Bernie. I'm so proud of the little girl she's becoming. As my dad says, "She wants what she wants, and she doesn't want what she doesn't want." One thing she always seems to want is food. She's not a fan of little kid food like crackers and juice, etc. Just this morning she had eggs and portabella musrooms for breakfast and chili with onions for lunch. It's so fun getting to know her as the distinct individual that she is. I love this stage!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Once again the Fasts hosted the annual baked potato bar for Halloween. We were unsure at first whether or not to take Gracie trick or treating because she is still too young to "get it," but she quickly proved us wrong. All night she led the pack of children and adults, never dropping her bucket of candy. She sped up and down the side walks and climbed the steps of many a front porch. Her only hesitation was the fact that people actually answered the doors and wanted to talk to her and offer her candy. As soon as someone opened the door she would spin around and rush quickly away. Campbell, however, was a fan of picking out candy from each bowl. She would stand for minutes at a time pondering which piece to take. Maya was the veteran, showing the little kids the Halloween how-to, and Peyton was the injured bee who managed to stay up happily until 9 at night! What a great Halloween. I already cannot wait until next year.