Sunday, August 5, 2012

She's Four!

I can't believe our baby girl is four. What a year!!  I woke up this morning and looked at our sweet girl sleeping next to us and thought of just how blessed our family is on this special birthday.  Gracie is the love of our lives, and we have learned to appreciate and relish in every moment.

This year Gracie learned how to read simple words, became more confident and comfortable talking to new people, and figured out how to pee and poop in the potty...finally!  To celebrate her fourth birthday she asked for a Mexican-themed party, so we hired a taco truck to come serve dinner, had the kids break open a pinata, and all wore sombreros.  It was a blast.  

We can hardly believe Gracie is four years old. What a whirl-wind, heartbreaking, triumphant year for the Fast family!