Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meet Baby Gracie!

Our Birth Story . . .

Greg and I woke up early on August 2nd to get a non-stress test before the baby shower at 2:00. My amniotic fluid was very low- 2.5 cm-, and she was breech with the cord around her neck. It had been a stressful week, and we were getting anxious to have our baby out and in our arms. Our plan was to run to the hospital quickly for the test while Davey and my mom got the house ready for the shower.

When we got to the hospital the nurse took us into the room and hooked me up to the monitors. Before she left the room she casually said, "Dr. Neeld is here this morning and wants to speak to you guys. You might be here longer than you had planned." Then she left the room. Greg and I looked at each other confused. Shortly after that Dr. Neeld walked in the room and sat on the edge of my bed. He explained that while it was still almost a month before her due date the risks and benifits of keeping her in versus taking her out were about the same, and would we like to have the baby today?

There was no question in my mind that this baby was ready to come out. Somehow my insticts told me that waiting any longer was not a good idea. We scheduled a C-section for 2:00. I called my mom to let her know that the baby shower would have to be moved to the post-partum room, and Greg ran home to pack our bags for our stay in the hospital. I sat in the hospital bed for the next hour listening to my baby's heartbeat on the monitor and trying to prepare myself for my life to change forever.

At noon my room was packed full of Greg and "the girls:" Davey, Hayley, Melissa, Cassandra, Michelle, and of course our eager moms. They kept me distracted until the nurse came in with Greg's scrubs at quarter to two. Everyone wished me good luck and I literally walked to the surgery room and got up on the table. It was the most bizarre and surreal moment.

I got my spinal, they put up the curtain, and the nurse went to get Greg. We decided to thumb wrestle to take my mind off of what was happening on the other side of the curtain. A minute or so in I asked the doctors if they had started yet, and they told me they were almost done. I felt a little bit of pressure and then we heard our daughter cry. . . then the tears began to fall.

I think Greg and I will always remember the image of Gracie being held up over the curtain screaming. She was a beautiful and healthy 5 pounds 0 ounces, and we were so relieved. The nurse layed Gracie on the table by me and when Greg and I started talking to her she stopped crying and looked right at us. It was amazing. She knew us. Needless to say, we were in love.


Mary Celeste Kearney said...

Yes, she's lovely! :)

Greetings Gracie and her fine parents from the Land Down Under. This is your first international post!
Love you all, Michael & Mary

Ty and Molly said...

She is so pretty. We need new pictures I bet she is changing every day.