Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our Trips to Washington

Here are some pictures from Gracie's and my first trip to Washington! We have so much fun hanging out with the cousins- I can't imagine just how much more fun it will become as they get older! Also, check out that picture of Gracie and "Big Ben." Can you believe he was born just two and a half weeks before her? . . . Although, Gracie's cheeks are starting to look more and more like his!

At the end of September, Carol and my Aunt Linda threw a baby shower for Gracie. It was so great to see all of our family and friends! It was amazing how adorable all of the other babies and children were that attended. It was especially great to spend time with my nephew, Matthew, and my niece, Emily!

The weeks are starting to fly by!

I have yet to post many pictures of Gracie with her aunties, which is crazy because they are such a big part of her life! Here she is at school visiting auntie Melissa during lunch!

My parents came to visit, and Gracie was on her best behavior! We can't wait for them to come down for three weeks in December when I go back to work!We are sorry to say that Gracie is mesmorized by the TV. We are going to have to do something about that. In the meantime, we can't help but laugh at how much she looks like grandpa when she is zoning out on the football game. :) Here I am with TWO babies. Gracie is in the Bjorn, and Zac is in my arms. Who would have thought I was scared to hold a baby just three months ago!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gracie looks like grandpa!

Gracie looks like Grandpa Garry!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Those parents"

Gracie's first run-in with "the law!" Here we are at Auntie Michelle's graduation from the police academy! We are so proud of her!

Maya did such a great job holding Gracie!
I absolutely LOVE this picture of Greg's dad caressing Gracie's forehead.
Dad gets Gracie for most of the day on Sundays . . . she loves watching TV on dad's knees, and here she is actually sleeping somewhere other than in the Bjorn! Good job, dad!

In looking back on these blogs I realize that we are "those" parents. Greg and I were noticing how already in the last 11 weeks, we have acquired more pictures of Gracie than we have of the two of us over the past four years. Thus, I am going to attempt to take more pictures of our WHOLE family- friends included. In the meantime . . .


Greg holding Maya, Molly holding Zac, and Ty holding Gracie

The other week Greg and I had our birthing class reunion at our house. As to be expected only two families showed up as the others were busy with the trials of life with brand new babies. It was fantastic though to spend time with the Lomas and Matthews families. I have spent a lot of time with Paige and Zac over the past few months, which has been such a blessing. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a friend with whom I can share all the joys of mommy-hood. However, it was so validating to talk with Molly and Ty at the baby reunion. Maya was also born with acid reflux and is pretty colicky too. Talking with Molly and Ty confirmed that every baby doesn't share the same constant contentment that baby Zac seems to have been instilled with, and that is perfectly OK!
Shortly after the reunion Greg and I learned that one of the couples we got to know during the birthing class had been dealing with much more than a little reflux and crying. Their baby, Ava, was born with Downs Syndrome and a hole in her heart. We are absolutely heartbroken for what their family must be going through. It certainly gave us some perspective and made us feel ridiculous for ever complaining that we had a "hard" baby. Our hearts go out to them, and yet we can't stop thinking about how they will be such great parents for baby Ava.

Greg and I are starting to settle in more to our "routine" (if you can call it that). Our favorite time of day is early morning when Gracie wakes up. She is all smiles and coos- especially with Greg. She is starting to become more content during the day and hopefully is realizing that there really isn't that much to cry (scream) about. :) She still insists on being carried around in the Bjorn for the majority of the day and loves going for long walks with her friends Paige and Zac.

Zac and Gracie in their parkas from Bolivia! (Thank you auntie Miranda!)

Gracie is starting to enjoy her toys!
Paige calls this Gracie's "snobby look."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gracie's Getting Big!

Gracie loves bath time . . . She just doesn't like getting OUT of the bath. She's a screamer! :)


Our little chunk is not so preemie anymore!
Here she is with her buddy Maya at the pumpkin patch. Maya is practicing her big sister role before her brother gets here in a few months!

What is that? Is Gracie actually SLEEPING??