Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not for the easily nauseated

(How, you might ask, does one get barf on her forehead? While I know this is disgusting, it is also quite talented.)

Most anyone that has spent any time at all around our daughter knows that she is quite the barfer, but until this morning it has been an issue of quantity rather than quality. This morning, I walked into the nursery to find Greg changing Gracie's diaper. She was making her normal morning gurgling sounds, so there was no indicator that she was about to blow. However, as soon as I entered the room I heard this awful spewing sound and Greg stumbled backwards tripping over the ottoman. Before I knew what had happened I was greeted with a familiar wet substance on my face. Yes, Gracie had just projectile vomited from her position of laying on her back to about 8 feet across the room and onto her mom as well as the dresser, floor, and clothes in the closet. . . not to worry though, our four-legged vacuum cleaner took care of it for us. Sick.


Anna Gradek said...

I'm so glad Zac isn't a puker...and that he hasn't peed on me...yet. Too bad you don't have video of that! That would have been awesome to witness!

Paige Lomas said...

nasty...gross...but waaaay cool that she is that talented. Thank goodness it happened in the privacy of your own home and not out in public.