Saturday, June 6, 2009

These Teeth are Made for Walkin'

Gracie has never slept well (keep reading- I promise that this is not another post about sleep) so the other night when she woke up every hour on the hour I just habitually zombied my way into her room as usual not giving it much thought. In the morning, I blamed it on "teething," which I have been blaming my ten month old's piss and vinegar personality on for the last nine months. Yet, my cover is always blown when I have to admit that no, she doesn't actually have any teeth at all.

Anyway, a few days ago after the super-sized Gracie Victoria was wearing me thin, I decided to do the finger-swipe across her gums praying that for the first time since she was born I would actually have a reason for the nightly drama. I did. In true diva style, Gracie decided that she would skip the bottom teeth all together and get her entire top row of teeth over night. She was pissed as you can imagine. Greg went and bought an array of teething remedies, which we are not really convinced work, and we are making sure to supply an excess of hugs and loves as she is so unhappy about her new accessories.

In addition to this huge milestone, Gracie has made some other steps- literally. She's always been super early when it comes to motor development, and we hypothesize that her CD (Curiosity Disorder) mixed with her tendancy to get highly irritated at the slightest thing motivates her to go go go!! Case and point: yesterday I was sitting on the floor playing with somthing is my hand as a highly irritated Gracie (Teething. Yes! I CAN use that as an excuse now!) looked up, threw down what she was playing with and walked across the room. Five steps, easy. I was dumb founded. She didn't even pull the whole "drunken sailor taddle." She seriously straight up walked.

As sorry as I feel for my little baby getting so many teeth at once, I can't help but giggle a little because as so many friends have said about her, "That is just SO Gracie."

1 comment:

Paige Lomas said...

sorry I missed the little pumpkin...can't wait to see her walk!