Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gracie Vs. Santa 2009

So, I got up the courage to dress Gracie up and take her to Hopscotch to see Santa. I knew that it wasn't going to be pretty, but it is one of those things you feel like you just have to do as a parent. What good parent doesn't take their child to see Santa? For days I had been prepping her: "Look at the picture of Santa, Gracie! He is so nice! Give the Santa ornament kisses . . . Santa LOVES Gracie!" You get the picture.

When we walked in the door to the toy store Gracie was already clinging to my neck, and with my winter scarf and flannel on, Gracie clinging, and the body heat of people crammed in line practically touching, my blood pressure was already rising. For over a half an hour we waited, Gracie never loosening her grip on my neck. We watched as little kids excitedly hopped up and down knowing that they were soon going to climb up the stair to the little room where Santa was waiting to discuss their Christmas wishes.

Finally it was our turn. I told Santa's elf that my daughter was going to be a hard sell with the whole sitting on Santa's lap thing. Afterall, she wouldn't even make eye contact with an elf - no matter how endearing the elf's jingly hat was to the other boys and girls. We walked up the stairs, and I heard Gracie wisper "Santa" before we even reached the top of the steps. She knew who we were here to see. "Look, Gracie! Santa!" I sang as we reached the top step. That's all it took. One look at this lunatic in the flesh and Gracie was screaming bloody murder trying to climb up my neck and over my head to run out the door. "Santa." I commanded, over the top of her screaming. "Let's make this quick. I'll hand her off- you just hold on to her and smile." Santa reached for her (an old pro) and I threw her in his lap. Because I know my daughter, I was prepared. The camera was already out and the lens was off.

Gracie was screaming and half trying to leap off his lap, half assaulting him. I snapped a quick shot, scooped her up and thanked Santa and his elf. We waltzed out past the line of kids and their parents who were all staring by now.

When we got to the door to leave Gracie loosened her grip on my neck, turned around, and shouted "Ho! Ho! Ho!" to the crowd. Gotta love my little pistol.


Ty and Molly said...

I am so glad you commented it reminded me to check in on our blog! Gracie is adorable! Those eyes! Can we get together to have the girls play (and mom's too) after the holidays??

Anna Gradek said...

Were the pictures by the tree (in that too cute outfit btw) taken before or after visiting Santa? I heard about your Christmas card from Paige, hilarious. Hope you guys had a great Christmas!