Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011

We did our annual baked potato bar for Halloween again this year, and the kids had a blast. Our little bee is growing up so fast! If only we could get down the potty training. It has been a daily struggle for the last six months and Greg and I are at our wits' ends! We have done everything from candy to sticker charts to wrapped presents stacked in the bathroom to making her clean up her own mess to ignoring it! And, our willful little child is STILL going potty in her pants. At this point I believe she may be dating in diapers. Sigh. I have learned the following about myself: I am not good at the "it will happen when it happens" motto. I mean, what does that even mean really? Of course it will happen when it happens. ?? It is just not happening soon enough for me.

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