Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our Christmas Scare

This whole journey started on the day of our 7th anniversary when Gracie woke up with a giant, swollen neck, and we found ourselves in urgent care. Two days later she went into surgery at Children's Hospital in Seattle to drain what they thought was an abscessed infected lymph node. After returning to McMinnville we found ourselves at Doernbecher as her condition wasn't improving. After a second surgery we we were sent home again thinking our nightmare might finally be over . . . Little did we know it was just beginning.

Caring Bridge Post Number One:

Saturday, December 31, 2011 9:49 AM, PST
This morning

Not sure how much Greg and I slept last night but it was wonderful to come to this site and read all of your comments this morning. Gracie is hanging in there. They are still trying to find her "sweet spot" with the sedation. When she hears Greg's and my voice she tries to open her eyes and reach out to us. I think, though, it's more likely she's just trying to hit the nurse. She had a little fever this morning and they may give her blood today to bring up her red blood cell count. We are waiting for the doctors to make their rounds and give us more information. All of the nurses say that Gracie is a "feisty one." I tell them they should see her when she's not sedated.

Tomorrow cannot come fast enough for us. I hope that we hear good news after her next surgery and she is on the fast track to recovery. I will keep journaling so people can stay informed on how she is doing. Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers. Gracie and Greg and I love you all.

Caring Bridge Post Number Two:

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