Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring Bridge Journal Entry Eight

Monday, January 2, 2012 10:42 PM, PST
Getting better every day
Grace is getting better every day and hopefully she will be able to be extubated and leave the PICU by the end of the week. They are weaning her slowly off the oxygen and sedation drugs and she is becoming more and more uncomfortable- trashing in bed and trying to rip her tubes out. But, she can nod and shake her head sometimes, and when Greg and I ask if she is in pain she shakes her head from side to side. When we ask if she is mad, she violently nods. I don't blame her. She has a tube shoved down her throat and she can't talk or move her body (as she is tied down) or open her eyes.

All of this, though, seems like a small price to pay to get to take our baby home at the end of all of this. It doesn't appear that she has any facial paralysis, and we believe she will make a full recovery over time.

I want to especially thank our parents who have basically lived in the PICU waiting room and helped us to not worry about the day to day necessities like clean underwear and food in our bellies.

Everyone has been absolutely amazing. My work family has insisted I don't spend one second worrying about my job at school, and our friends are taking care of things at home as well.

Everyone-- all of you-- every single post, email, text, call, and visit-- have kept us going when we weren't sure whether we'd make it through this. And amazingly, we are filled with love, hope, and gratitude in this trying time

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