Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring Bridge Journay Entry Two

Saturday, December 31, 2011 12:39 PM, PST

Thank you all again for your kind words. And I love the motto "Growl at it Gracie" that seems to be catching. :) It is quite fitting. The surgeon came in a few minutes ago to look inside her wound, and while he did say it is one of the more severe cases of "flesh eating bacteria" (HATE that term) he's seen, it appears that it hasn't spread since her last surgery. This is SUCH good news for Gracie. Keep praying that when she goes back into surgery tomorrow the doctor sees the same thing.

Gracie is becoming known at the hospital as "the girl who cannot be sedated." Apparently Morphine is a little too weak for my litle fire cracker, so they are putting her on something that can make her a little more comfortable. Greg and I keep reminding ourselves that the doctors purposefully put her in this state. It is hard to look at her hooked up to all of the tubes and sedated, but we have to remember that it is just so that she can rest without pain.

Thank you all again. We love you all, and your comments here are helping tremendously.

-Greg, Amy, and Gracie

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