Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring Bridge Journal Entry Seven

Monday, January 2, 2012 4:00 PM, PST
Just wanted to let you know that it looks like Gracie won't get her breathing tube out today after all. She is having some problems with her lungs and the doctors also need to clean out the wound a few more times before they take the breathing tube out because if she isn't heavily sedated it would be a pretty traumatic experience for her.

The put a PICC line in her today because they were having a really hard time getting into her veins. She will be sent home with the PICC line in her when she is discharged so that she can get iv antibiotics at home for at least a few weeks.

We hung up in the PICU room the picture of her standing in front of the yellow chair with the white dress on because it depicts with such accuracy the fight that she has in her. Every time a new member of the PICU team comes in they comment on that picture and shake their heads and chuckle because they are getting a good idea of intensity and determination that we all know makes Gracie, Gracie.

Thank you all for your continued prayers.

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