Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring Bridge Journal Entry Three

Saturday, December 31, 2011 8:40 PM, PST
Happy New Year from the PICU

It sounds like her surgery will be tomorrow morning possibly around eight or nine. Keep the prayers coming that the bacteria hasn't spread. We are also waiting on her blood test results to see if the infection is systemic.We're hoping to ring in the new year with a double negative.

The good news is her red blood cell count has come up-- It's still not where they'd like it to be, but she is fighting and appears to be winning. So, no transfusion at this point. Her white cell count is still low but hasn't dropped from the first test. She does have a scratch on her face from somehow fighting off the sedation and trying to pull the tubes out of her nose and mouth when the nurse turned her back . . . this is AFTER they added another drug to the cocktail of sedatives she's on. They say her piss and vinegar is just what they like to see, though.

For the most part, Greg and I take turns losing it and being strong. I finally gave into the pressure from many of you and managed to get a few bites of chili in me tonight so I finally have some food in my system. One step at a time . . . that's what we keep telling ourselves when our heads take us places we don't want to go. All will be well. We have a VERY strong girl on our hands. I still remember bringing her home from the hospital at 4 pounds, 10 ounces, kicking and screaming, full of attitude and determination. If anyone can pull through, it is our Gracie. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.

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