Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring Bridge Journal Entry Four

Sunday, January 1, 2012 8:50 AM, PST
Surgery later in morning

Hello all- I just wanted to let everyone know that Gracie's surgery was bumped to later in the morning. There was a bad car accident and they are operating on a baby right now, so put that baby in your prayers too.

Greg and I have been overwhelmed with the amount of family and friends who have been supporting us through this time. Thank you so much. This experience has profoundly changed us, and we stayed up late last night talking about how much we cherish each and every one of you and how we need to say it and show it more often.

I woke up a few times to a team of nurses restraining Gracie so that she didn't pull her tubes out, but other than that she looks great to me. The swelling and fever is down, and the doctors say they would be really surprised if the infection was systemic given how well she is doing. I will keep everyone posted when I know what time the surgery is.

Again, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. We literally have THOUSANDS of people around the world (from McMinnville, to DC, to even China) praying for her, and I have no doubt it is making all the difference. You have all given us hope, but more importantly you are giving Gracie strength, and for that we cannot thank you enough. Here's to 2012!

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