Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring Bridge Journal Entry Six

Sunday, January 1, 2012 8:13 PM, PST
Thank you!
We cannot say it enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support and prayers. We know without a doubt they were instrumental in her fighting this thing and winning. Although there is still a lot of recovery that needs to happen first, every one is determined to get her home.

Greg and I have seen some heart wrenching and beautiful things take place in the PICU and have become very reflective. We have also found strength we didn't know we had- restraining our daughter so she doesn't hurt herself when she fights to catch her breath, seeing those little eyes open for a few seconds in panic and find us when she is in pain and forcing calm smiles and voices to soothe her, and learning to read the machines and decipher what is going on when they make those ominous beeps.

We are finding joy in the small tasks of parenting: assisting the nurses in changing her diaper, helping her cough, and pulling her hair back in a ponytail, etc. It all feels so special now and takes on such a new meaning and importance.

The plan is to look one more time at the wound tomorrow to make sure she responded well to the surgery and then try to ween her off the breathing tube tomorrow and then gently bring her out of sedation. It will be a tricky balance keeping her awake but giving her enough drugs to help her pain.

Once she is stabilized in the PICU they plan to move her to a regular room in the hospital, and depending on how fast she heals we could be out of here as soon as the end of the week. We are so happy and thankful for all of you and very, very proud of our little girl.

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